Visit of Department of Botany to ICAR

Visit of Department of Botany to ICAR- Directorate Rapeseed Mustard Research, Bharatpur. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) established the National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard (NRCRM) to carry out basic, strategic and applied research on rapeseed-mustard. Besides, generating basic knowledge and material, it also engages in developing ecologically sound and economically viable agro production…

Educational Tour of Department of Zoology

Educational Tour of Department of Zoology to Sariska Tiger Reserve, Alwar, Rajasthan:  Educational tours provide students with a great opportunity to learn in an informal environment, while building long-lasting relationships with other students and teachers. It’s even more important for college students, who are setting out in an unfamiliar world to grow professionally. Department of Zoology every year organizes a Educational trip…